Apache Jmeter Free

Jmeter-prometheus-plugin - A Prometheus Listener for Apache JMeter that exposes results in HTTP API. Jmeter-prometheus-listener - Apache JMeter Backend Listener implementation for Prometheus metrics exporting. ClickHouse JMeter Results from ClickHouse - Using the JMeter Listener pack, ClickHouse and Grafana to collect and monitor test results. Aug 29, 2016 Steps to Launch JMeter Go to your JMeter bin folder to launch JMeter, in our case it would be C: Users lsharm Downloads apache-jmeter-3.0 bin and locate appropriate file. You can also run ApacheJmeter.jar in order to launch JMeter. Click on Run button to move forward. Download Apache JMeter. We recommend you use a mirror to download our release builds, but you must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directories. Recent releases (48 hours) may not yet be available from all the mirrors.

Using JMeter in Linux is the same as in Window; you simply run the following shell script. Run the script file jmeter (This file has no extension)- run JMeter (in GUI mode by default). Run the script file jmeter-server - start JMeter in server mode (calls JMeter script with appropriate parameters). Apache JMeter Tutorial This tutorial provides basic and in-depth knowledge of Apache JMeter Performance Testing tool. It describes the core concept of JMeter in layman term to clear your basics and make a strong platform of performance testing skill using JMeter tool.


In the previous article, I have covered the Arrivals Thread Group which works on the rate of iteration per minute or second. To continue the same concept, Blazemeter added some more flexibility and created another JMeter Thread Group element called ‘Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’. Arrivals Thread Group element has certain limitation, such as if you want to do a spike test then you can not create such a workload. Such type of workload can be easily prepared by using the flexible feature of Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group. Using Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group you can apply conditional load on the server. Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group also ramp-down the threads gracefully by letting the users, to complete the iteration before exiting from the test.

How to download ‘Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’ plug-in?

  1. Click on the link to download Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group JMeter Plugin
  2. Unzip the folder
  3. Copy the file jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-<version>.jar to lib folder of Apache JMeter
    apache-jmeter-<version> –>lib –> Paste jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-<version>.jar
  4. Copy the files jmeter-plugins-casutg-<version>.jar and jmeter-plugins-manager-<version>.jar to ext folder of Apache JMeter
    apache-jmeter-<version> –>lib –>ext -> Paste jmeter-plugins-casutg-<version>.jar and jmeter-plugins-manager-<version>.jar

How to add ‘Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’ in Test Plan?

  1. Select ‘Test Plan’ node
  2. Right-click on the ‘Test Plan’ node
  3. Hover the mouse on ‘Add’
  4. Hover the mouse on ‘Thread (Users)’
  5. Click ‘bzm – Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’

How to configure workload using ‘Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’?

  1. Add the Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group in the test plan by following above described steps
  2. Provide the values for the below input fields:
    1. Start Value
    2. End Value
    3. Duration
    4. Time Unit
    5. Thread Iterations Limit
    6. Log Threads Status into File
    7. Concurrency Limit

What are the input fields of ‘Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group’?

  1. Name: To provide Thread Group name. It may be your Test Case/Test Scenario name
  2. Comments: To provide comments.
  3. Action to be taken after a Sampler error: Actions taken in case of sampler error occurs, either because the sample itself failed or an assertion failed etc. The possible choices are:
    1. Continue – ignore the error and continue with the test
    2. Start Next Loop – ignore the error, start next loop and continue with the test
    3. Stop Thread – current thread exits
    4. Stop Test – the entire test is stopped at the end of any current samples
    5. Stop Test Now – the entire test is stopped abruptly. Any current samplers are interrupted if possible.
  4. Thread Schedule (arrivals/min): Total number of iterations to be started in 1 minute. You have to input the iteration count value for
    1. Start Value
    2. End Value
    3. Duration
  5. Add Row: To add a new row in the Thread Schedule section.
  6. Copy Row: To copy the selected row in the Thread Schedule section.
  7. Delete Row: To delete the selected row in the Thread Schedule section.
  8. Time Unit: To change the input time unit either in minutes or in seconds.
  9. Thread Iterations Limit: Maybe the purpose of this option to control the loop count, but unfortunately it does not work so you may keep it blank.
  10. Log Thread Status into File: Provide the full path of the file along with the name where you want to save the log file. e.g. C:PerfMatrixResulttestLogFile.log
  11. Concurrency Limit: Provide the thread count to maintain the user concurrency.

See Full List On En.wikipedia.org


Design a spike test scenario with the baseload 20 iterations/minute and the height of the spike would be 100 iterations/minute for one-minute duration. The total test duration would be 1 hour with 4 spike count.

Apache Jmeter Free Download

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Test Scenario which you can design

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